Powerful Totems to
Amplify Your Self Mastery


Intuition Totem

Sterling Silver

Blue Sapphire

Higher order sensemaking.

Super, sub, and unconscious knowing. Connects us to what we know from within this vessel at all of it's layers.

Clarity, clear interpretation, strong channel to inner voice.


Instinct Totem

Sterling Silver

Black Spinel

Primal Sensemaking. Non cognitive, pre-linguistic. Speaks to us within the fist 1-3 seconds of a stimuli. Attunement to primal knowing self, clarity of gut sense enhanced.

Cleansing of clutter and distracting signals.


Aware Totem

Sterling Silver

Yellow Sapphire

The gift of True sight will set your power free.

Fundamental attention and intake of information. Remove blind spots, increase info perception, increase bandwidth intake. 2s, 3s, 9s, and golden ratio in the structure.


1st Pentacle of the Moon

Sterling Silver or Red Bronze


This is a solomonic talisman with the singular purpose of invoking and calling to service the Spirits of the Moon.

Not to be taken lightly, it can aid in opening doors and removing blocks both physical or otherwise.


Thor Totem

Sterling Silver


The power of the Norse gods is not to be taken lightly.

By the power of Mjölnir, this totem hold courage, honor, bravery, boldness, and a willingness to charge into righteous action.


Thelemic Unicursal

Sterling Silver

pink ruby

Classic symbol of the Thelemic faith, featuring leaf-down clover.

Microcosmic forces of the universe and macrocosmic forces that move us. flow of cosmic forces through our universe breathing from micro to macro.


Tribal Totem

Sterling Silver or Red Bronze


Gentle energetic fields of community, tribe, and connection.

Designed to enhance the bonds of existing relationships and call in healthy connections of good karma.


Protection Totem

Sterling Silver or Red Bronze

Tourmalinated Quartz

This world is not one to be tread lightly, are you protected?

This item is consecrated with fields of protection in addition to the Runic and mythographic shielding designed into the metal itself.


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